Our Core Values

      The "Core Values" of Phi Sigma Kappa

Phi Sigma Kappa embraces the belief that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Our actions, policies, and decisions are made based upon what is best for the Fraternity, rather than what is best for one or a few individuals. Our contributions to society, our host institutions, our alumni and our undergraduate members are more important than acting for the benefit of only a few. For example, Phi Sigma Kappa strives to have all of its members work together as a whole on various projects, from homecomings to philanthropies, from campus cleanups to academic enhancement programs, even if the effort given to such programs may impinge from time to time upon the personal time and/or desires of its individual members.

Phi Sigma Kappa expects its leadership, alumni, and undergraduates to strive to do their best. Excellence, rather than perfection, is our goal. Phi Sigma Kappa expects excellence in our colleges, universities and our interfraternal peers … but the Fraternity demands excellence from our members. For example, even though there are minimum academic standards for various membership levels, and even though most institutions require a minimum grade point average for its fraternities and sororities, Phi Sigma Kappa believes that each member should strive to achieve the highest possible academic achievement, regardless of any minimum expectations set by others.

Learning is fundamental to the Fraternity, not for the degrees or accolades, but in the journey towards enlightenment. Phi Sigma Kappa is an intentional component of the college campus and an adjunct to the learning process. While much of that learning occurs when our members are undergraduates, we continue to provide learning opportunities for our alumni. For example, many of our chapters hold career planning sessions where alumni bring their expertise into the chapter for our members and their friends, not only providing helpful information to those in attendance but giving alumni the chance to learn about the future leaders of their professions and our country.

Phi Sigma Kappa takes great pride in its willingness and ability to address challenges in creative and innovative ways. We are committed to considering any approach to solve problems and to provide new direction to the Fraternity. By embracing innovation, the Fraternity embraces the future. For example, not only does Phi Sigma Kappa employ a set of penalties to end the scourge of hazing, we have installed a variety of new and creative ways to instill in our members a culture that says such behavior is not consistent with our Cardinal Principles

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